One thing I believe in to be successful at sales is the ability to embrace an abundance mentality. Simply put, there are more than enough business opportunities to go around if you are approaching your business the right way. I have seen competitors go after each other in a way that just saps all of their energy and takes away from their ability to develop new business. The most successful sales professionals I have seen are those who don’t see their competitors’ clients as their only hunting ground. They have the confidence and maturity to understand where they are most likely to be successful and develop those prospects. They have an abundance mentality and are more successful as a result. If I spent my time worrying about every move someone else made, I would never close a deal!
Now this is not to say that there will not be those times where you are colliding with competitors. It’s natural and part of the business. The secret is all about how you approach your business. If you get up in the morning and work authentically on a target list that is a match for your value proposition, you will see more success. If you are spending your selling time going after someone else’s territory, you will have a more difficult time.