“…As Heard on American Airlines….”

Dear ToddCohen.com Sales Community,

Sales Culture and the work we are doing to create and sustain Sales Culture is now going to be heard at 30,000 feet!

I have been invited to be a part of a Business Leaders Forum” that will be featured on the business audio channel that will be on every American Airlines flight over 2 hours during the month of June! I will be talking about Sales Culture and what that means to create success.

I will be providing you more details as they become available. Please know that when I am speaking I will be speaking for every member of the ToddCohen.com Sales Community and what you all do so well every day.

Good Selling!


1 thought on ““…As Heard on American Airlines….””

  1. Congratulations! That is awesome and a true indicator of your reach! Reading that aviation magazine all those years really paid off.

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