Dear Todd Sales Community,
Here is a small excerpt from my 5th chapter from my book on Sales Culture. Here I am beginning to set the stage for the Virtual Team.
“…Specifically, the sales professional is responsible for understanding the needs of the client and translating those needs to the virtual team in his/her company. This joint work is demonstrated when a sales representative’s shares his/her perspective when thinking about how to close the deal with a Human Resources (HR) person. For example, sales leaders need to build a sales team. Job descriptions need to be written with the help and support of HR. It is incumbent upon HR and sales to communicate crisply and succinctly about job responsibilities, skills, and aptitudes, so that, ultimately, people get hired who fit the business and the prevalent sales culture. Then the sales culture is more likely to succeed to ensure that sales campaigns are effective. This is an example of how sales and HR work together to enhance the sales culture by hiring the right people upfront. Sales professionals help others, in this case, HR people, to put on a business hat and see a bigger picture. HR people, in turn, help sales leaders, professionals, and reps see the limitations of what is possible and realistic.
There are essentially two views that are helpful to understanding who and how all organizational members can contribute to a sales campaign. Primarily, the sales professional builds the client relationship, interacting with the client to understand and establish agreement on the client’s needs. Secondarily, the sales professional identifies everyone who can and should work on the virtual team to ensure the client’s satisfaction and successful sales campaigns. The sales culture of the organization is enhanced and empowered by sales and internal partners working together to bring the right people, products, and services to the market in the first place. Both views build a sales, client-centric mindset into an organization, using the sales culture environment as the catalyst…”