Selling is an Art. It is a complex, challenging, and for many, a very rewarding profession. Like an artist, becoming an accomplished sales professional takes time and experience. It is no different from any other profession. Yes, I am essentially saying that we are artists in our own right. Art takes many forms. I find artistic the ability and confidences to make that cold call and do it well. It takes skill and experience to make a complex sale happen. It is an amazing talent to understand how to weave together all of the parts and moving pieces of a sale. It is art to understand the challenging nature of understanding all of the people involved in a sale who are required to be in agreement or “on the same page” to make deals happen. A professional salesperson is practicing an art that is part skill, talent and a bit of luck as well. Your canvass in your sales opportunity. Your paint is the solution.
I am passionate on this point. Successful respected sales professionals have achieved a high level of professional achievement. To this point, there are a number of universities now offering degrees in sales and some offering advanced degrees as well. We have arrived.
Selling Is One of Many Professions That Requires Mastery and Artistry
When I am working with people in different professions, I always have enjoyed observing the mastery and skill that they bring to their jobs. A great architect designing a new building or an engineer solving a tough problem is impressive to me. I have realized over time that we are bringing the same level of skill and mastery to our jobs. We provide a valuable service to people with problems and challenges that need solved. In many cases, we earn respect for being the ones who make things happen. Earlier in my career when I was building my style and developing the confidence that carries me to this day, I thought that we, as sales professionals, were somehow not as skilled as the “other” professionals that I dealt with. Time and many great experiences have thankfully disproved that faulty theory and have shown me that great selling is true art.
There Are Different Artists. There Are Different Sales Professionals
There are different kinds of artists. Similarly their are different kinds of sales professionals. Some are great tacticians. Some are best at complex selling. Many are great at selling the intangible. The beauty of sales is that we find our own style and voice over time. We become experts in our selling style. A pediatrician is no less valuable then a neurosurgeon. One type of sale person is no less valuable then another. I believe the differentiator in how you are perceived in the eyes of your clients and the population in general is the respect that you earn. Practicing your art with high integrity and honesty gets you the merit and respect you deserve and by extension us as a community of sales professionals. Treat your profession with respect and care and others will as well.
Keep practicing your art. Get better and more skilled and proficient every day. Never miss a chance to learn from someone better than you and never forget to give back to newer sales people. The dividends are lifelong.
As always, tell me what you think. Good Selling!
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