Press Release 10-30-2012

Sales Culture Expert Todd Cohen Unveils Tools to Measure Sales Culture Success

PHILADELPHIA, October 30, 2012 – Todd Cohen, a popular keynote speaker on the topic of building sales culture in organizations, announced today he has created a system for measuring the success of sales cultures in organizations.

“Sales culture is not a soft skill.  Sales culture success can be measured so companies can see a definite ROI when they implement, monitor and improve the sales environment in their companies,” said Cohen, a sales training keynote speaker who works with companies like American Express, Subaru and Corning.

Companies can measure sales culture with these three metrics, says Cohen who also consults with companies.

1. Retention. When people know they matter, they tend to stay with the company. People quit when they don’t feel values, he said. Since the cost of recruiting, hiring and training carry real dollar costs, companies can measure success by computing the length of time employees stay with the company. “If employees feel they are part of the team and see that their work matters, they will be happy and stay on the job, thus saving companies hundreds of thousands of dollars in recruiting expenses,” he said.

2. Speed to execution. “When people understand what they do to make a solution come alive, things get done quicker,” he said. “People know where to turn. People waste time when they don’t know where to turn.”

3. Pipeline

bought the rights to the URL “” so companies of all sizes would have a one-stop resource to improve sales and profits.

“Companies that ask ‘What is sales culture?’ and ‘How can we make sales everyone’s job?’ now have a site where they can find articles, blog posts, videos and slide shows showing how they can make sales Job #1

“The acquisition of this URL is the perfect addition to our brand,” said Cohen who speaks and trains companies ranging from the Fortune 500 to small businesses. “Companies are recognizing every day that engaging everyone in sales helps to improve their profits and create new jobs.”

Among Cohen’s latest accomplishments are keynote speeches to LINC Services, which provides continuing education to HVHC contractors. Also, Specialty Graphic Imaging Association in Las Vegas bought 1,000 copies of his book, “Everyone’s In Sales.”

“We all contribute to sales. It is a message that resonates across all disciplines inside Fortune 500 companies, small business, professional service firms, staffing companies, manufacturing, health care and even human resources,” said Cohen.

CEOs ask Cohen, ““Why should we build a sales culture?”

“I teach in my workshops that what everyone does counts,” said Cohen, who speaks at sales and corporate kickoff meetings, all types of association meetings and trade shows, corporate conferences and retreats, senior leadership meetings and corporate training meetings. “Sales is not just about the sales team – it is very much about the entire organization understanding how their roles are necessary to the company’s long-term success.”

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