#1 Speaker on Sales Culture.
A sales culture transforms the entire organization, aligning everyone toward the same goal—sustained, collaborative customer success. Everyone's in sales.
97% of Audiences say Todd is " Relevant," "Engaging," and "Actionable!."
"Masterful Command of a Room"
Unlock the full potential of your organization with Todd Cohen as your next keynote speaker! Renowned for his interactive sessions and unmatched energy, Todd transforms. Say goodbye to stale speeches and hello to a captivating and unique experience that motivates your team to achieve excellence. With Todd's insights into cultivating a robust sales culture and a winning sales mindset, your organization is perfectly poised for unparalleled success. Don't miss the chance to bring this tidal wave of motivation and excellence to your team – choose Todd Cohen and witness the transformation!
"Dynamic and Motivational Keynote Speaker"
Experience Todd Cohen's inspiring storytelling, vulnerability, and humor to elevate your team and achieve new heights of success.
Todd Cohen's Programs and Latest Book Elevate your Company's Culture from "Status Quo to Status Grow."
Todd brings unparalleled dynamism to your events, catalyzing a cultural transformation within your team—a transformation that can improve top and bottom-line performance. His expertise lies not in mere "sales training" but in fostering a sales culture and mindset that underlines excellence across the organization.