Happy New Year! Resolutions?

Dear Todd Cohen Sales Community,

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2008 and a 12 months of sales excellence and crushing your numbers! I hope that as each of you start the new sales year today you are charged up and ready to close the business.

Given the start of a new year, I admit to thinking about what my 2008 resolutions are. I know the whole resolutions thing is a bit trite and well worn, but I will take a crack anyway. So, here are my 2008 Sales Resolutions:

  1. I will make every effort to take care of myself first. Take a vacation and get enough sleep. Always be thankful for my health, friends, and family. Without these, the rest is pointless.
  2. I continue to bring you new and very timely sales information on ToddCohen.com. New Podcasts every 2 weeks, articles, seminars; whatever you, the sales community, needs to be successful.
  3.  I will commit myself to a path of continuing education and improvement. I have written many times about the need to make sure we are the top of our game. Education is the high road, and we shall take it together this year.
  4. Make sure I am continually networking. This is the lifeblood of a great sales professional and the ToddCohen.com sales community will set the bar.
  5. Lead by example and never miss a chance to mentor a newer sales professional. I hope you will do the same.
  6. Be passionate and enthusiastic as always about the art of selling.

What are your 2008 sales resolutions? Think about them and let the ToddCohen.com sales community know. Let’s all lead by helping each other through collaboration.

Good Selling!


1 thought on “Happy New Year! Resolutions?”

  1. Hi Todd,

    People often forget to put self-care at #1 on the priority queue. It’s essential.

    I’m also excited about #2 – I love what I’ve heard so far on your podcasts. Great content coupled with crisp sound quality. Happy you and Steve Lubetkin teamed up on this, can’t wait for more!


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