The Difference Is Service

Good Morning Sales Community,

Yesterday I was talking with some sales professionals who were concerned about their product being seen as a commodity. This is certainly not the first time I have heard this. It happens to all sales professionals at one time or another. I am often asked how I deal with that issue, and one of the first things that comes to mind is service. The service you provide as a trusted partner to a client is the difference and a large reason why people will buy from you. Now we all have heard the old adage “people buy you, not the product.” Guess what? It is TRUE. I believe in that and want to take this a step further. People buy from sales professionals who provide timely and accurate service.

Yes, I am saying that selling is a service industry! Is this heresy? Gasp, will the sales gods cast me down? Let ’em try! The things we do while we are conducting a sales campaign and after the close – being on time, delivering a good proposal, following up in a timely and respectful manner, listening and the list goes on…these are the elements of great sales professionals demonstrating great service to earn and keep the business over the long term. These are the service elements that show respect and interest in and for prospects and clients and keep you front and center when buying decisions are being made! It is great service that allows you to continually open doors with new products and services to fight the “commodity rut” and grow your business.

The sales community that is successful on the long term will not forget that sales and service are almost synonymous.

Now…go and service a client!

Good Selling and Servicing!


2 thoughts on “The Difference Is Service”

  1. Hi Todd –

    I just closed a sale this morning, and not only did I sell Service, I added it into my order and generated additional revenue for it!

    The client was happy to pay more for Service and post-sales consultation because he felt it put me and my team on the hook for our partnership and ensured we won’t just “back up the dump truck”, unload the deliverable, and run for the hills.

    Validating your point, at the end of the meeting the customer thanked us for putting ourselves in front of our company logo and brand. They verbally confirmed they were buying from us, not our organization.

    Your blogs are never untimely or irrelevant – thanks!!


  2. Great stuff Todd. It makes perfect sense. In the Staffing industry, although sales and service is supposed to be synonymous, service is the main differentiator. We have to put ourselves and our personal reputations on the line every time we go through the client’s door. The company gives us credibilty, but the client is giving us a personal evaluation constantly. Good service and constant nurturing of the relationship give our product longer shelf life!

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