Hello ToddCohen.com Sales Community!
Here is a thought for the day: Have you thought about the fact that great sales cultures are built on delivering great service? OK, maybe this is not your first and last though of the day, but as sales professionals and part of the overall sales community, we must be the ones who are experts at delivering exceptional service to our clients. This is really not a negotiable point.
I believe passionately that there is a strong correlation between the concept of delivering great service (which is selling, albeit subtle) to creating a positive brand image in the client’s mind, and this will of course directly affect the revenue line. So, to that end, ask yourselves these questions:
- What does your company stand for?
- What is your company’s value proposition?
- What sets you and your company apart as a premium brand?
I suggest that at least one answer to any of these questions is superior service. If you or your company want to be a premium brand, you must be driven by the absolute necessity to consistently deliver great service (selling) and strictly adhering the belief that the client is the top priority – which is the hallmark of a successful sales culture. When everyone is held accountable to this belief and for delivering great service, the brand is reinforced, repeat business is created, and your reputation in the community is enhanced (a sales point). When you are networking for connections and business, your selling is helped considerably by having the reputation for delivering premium service. This is a sales tool that willclose sales. What you say and do is selling.
As a sales professional, you have to reinforce the fact that every action that a member of a company does has some effect on the client, which affects reputation and brand and of course revenue. This raises your game and sets you apart as a superior sales professional.
As always, let me know what you think!
Good Selling!